torsdag 15. mai 2008


Sort-hvitt. Det er morsomt å leke med! Og assosiere rundt. Sjakk, noter, pianotangenter, Pierro-figuren... Her er min side. Hiver du deg med og lager din? Kun sort hvitt. Du kan tegne, male, klippe, lime, stemple...

Black & White. Love to play with this 'color' combination. And love to let my mind play with associations. Chess, music notes, piano, Pierro... Here is my page. Do you let yourself be challenged to do your? Only black & white. You can draw, paint, cut, paste, stamp...

1 kommentar:

Catharina Maria sa...

Hallo Ashild , I have made a page in black and white , not so good as this page but i am happy with it . Tomorrow I will try to make something with dots ;o)
Happy weekend !