Jeg startet slik jeg skulle starte... men en eller annen plass på veien, rotet jeg meg litt bort... Jeg hadde tenkt å lage en side basert på "jeg"-utklippene mine. Og jeg klippet faktisk ut ordene! Men istedenfor å lage en bakgrunn av dem, ble det et ramme rundt de lekre selvportrettbildene mine *glise* Og teksten nederst på siden funker jo helt greit til... Kos dere, folkens! I started the way I was supposed to... But somewhere along the road I got a bit lost... I wanted to make a page based on the background challenge with the "I" or "me" cut out words. And I did cut out the I's and me's! But instead of making a background, I made a frame for my gorgeous self portraits *lol* The text at the bottom of the page suits perfect: "I think it's nice to be odd." Have fun, pals!
Hallo Ashild . You have made beautiful pages with oil pastels .I love them . I have try to make a page with my Oil pastels but they where to hard and the words of the black and white page give the page some fat stripes . do you know what I mean ? I have made my page for the pink ribbon for breast cancer . Love Rini
Velkommen inn i en kreativ verden hvor ord, farger og bilder samles i en kreativ dagbok, også kalt Art Journal. Denne bloggen er for deg som ønsker å utforske denne form for kreativ dokumentering. Her vil du finne utfordringer og inspirasjon som du kan ta med deg inn i ditt eget kreative rom. Jeg legger ut utfordringer jevnlig - og det er opp til hver enkelt når og om du vil bli med på dem. Poenget mitt er å utfordre deg til å tenke i nye baner.
I wish you welcome to this creative world of words, colors and pictures - the world of Art Journals. This blog is for you who wants to explore a new way of creating and documenting. In this blog you'll find challenges and inspiration that you can bring with you into your own creative room. I will add challenges regularly, and it completely up to you when or if you'll join. My wish is to challenge you to break some rutine and do something new.
1 kommentar:
Hallo Ashild .
You have made beautiful pages with oil pastels .I love them .
I have try to make a page with my Oil pastels but they where to hard and the words of the black and white page give the page some fat stripes . do you know what I mean ?
I have made my page for the pink ribbon for breast cancer .
Love Rini
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