søndag 8. februar 2009

I've been away...

A painting made by me...

I'm sorry that I haven't added anything in my blog for several days... I've been away, for a new week with Art Therapy. Once again I've had a fantastic week. We've been working along with Trevor Jeavons, a well known British Art Therapist. His main issue this week was to make us trust our instincts and intuition. "Trust the prosess!" No focus on symbolism or use of colors. Quite a challenge for a person like me... Just paint without having a plan... My oh my... But, I have to tell you, it's fantastic to see what this 'methode' actually can bring!

I know it's Sunday and time for a new challenge... I'll add it later today :) Just need some more time... I hope you're doing all right and that the creativity is flooowing! See you later :)

4 kommentarer:

Gro sa...

"Fytti katta" - det var rålekkert. Skulle jeg gjerne hatt på veggen.

Torill sa...

Så utrolig lekkert!!! ett av de fineste maleri jeg har sett! Elsker fargene og alt det spennende som dukker opp innimellom her...

Anonym sa...

Fabulous! I can imagine you love this workshop.

Anonym sa...

Knallfint !!! Liker alle variantene dine - alt du lager er vakkert! Selger du? Kunne godt tenkt meg å kjøpe noe fra deg :O) !!

Hilsen M>B>T